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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  September 21, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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. anger and violence in yet another american city. "the lead" starts right now. protests ignited by another police shooting, another african-american man killed, but police say this time there was a clear threat to their lives and a gun. art of the self-deal? donald trump facing serious
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growing questions about whether he used more than a quarter million dollars from his own charity to fight his own legal battles and for self-promotion. mystery man wanted for questioning. fbi looking for these two who found one of the new york city bombs. what might they know? good afternoon, everyone. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. two cities bracing for protests after the deaths of two black men killed by police officers. we saw violent demonstrations last night in charlotte, north carolina, hours after keith lamont scott was shot to death in an apartment complex parking lot yesterday afternoon. the officer who shot him is also black. scott's family told cnn he was reading a book. but today the police chief said no book was found at the scene but scott did have a gun. in tulsa, oklahoma, new revelations today about what we did not see in the two videos showing the shooting death of terence crutcher, the unarmed man who had his arms up seconds
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before being shot last friday. protesters there are calling for the white female officer who killed crutcher to be charged or fired. start with ev lavandera. police reportedly have footage of the shooting but they're not releasing it. why not? seems it would be an easy way to prove their side of the story. >> reporter: well, the way north carolina law works, jake, it takes a court order for the police dash-cam or body-cam videos to be released. what we are dealing with here are two very different versions of what went down yesterday afternoon. violent protests erupted on the streets of charlotte just hours after keith lamont scott was shot and killed by police. 16 officers were injured, tear gas was used to control the crowds. some protesters threw rocks and bottles and tried to block roadways. five people were arrested.
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the shooting aftermath was captured on a facebook live stream recorded by keith lamont scott's daughter. this is when she discovers her father is dead. >> they just shot me [ bleep ]. >> daddy! they just shot my daddy. he's dead! >> reporter: the daughter lashes out at the officers on the scene, accusing them of planting a handgun at the scene. >> he was sitting in the car reading a [ bleep ] book. my daddy ain't got no [ bleep ] gun. plant. that's what the [ bleep ] you all do. >> reporter: scott's family denies he had a gun on him but charlotte police say there was no book and that scott came out of a car twice with a handgun. a team of four officers arrived in his apartment complex to serve a warrant on another man and that's when they crossed paths with scott. >> it's time to change the narrative. because i can tell you from the facts that the story is a little bit different as to how it's been portrayed so far,
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especially through social media. so charlotte, the challenge is ours. i think the future can be bright, but the work has to be done by all of us. >> reporter: the officer who fired the deadly shots is also african-american. he has been placed on paid administrative leave. vincent is a young officer who joined the police force in 2014, graduated from liberty university where he studied criminal justice and played football. several teammates described him to cnn as a standup guy. charlotte's police chief says officer vinson was not wearing a body-cam and he says other video from the scene doesn't show more of what happened in the confrontation. community activists are demanding transparency. >> they need to be transparent and inform of us exactly what's going on. it's still under investigation is not going to be good enough. >> reporter: so jake, the main concern for tonight is whether
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or not we will see a repeat of the protests, the violent protests, that erupted here clast night. there have been calls for calm around the city. we'll have to see how that plays out tonight. jake. >> ed lavandera, thank you so much. let's bring in the mayor of charlotte, north carolina, jennifer roberts. thank you for joining us. let me express all of our best wishes for what happens in charlotte in the coming days. have you seen any parts of this video that shows the shooting of keith lamont scott? >> i have not seen the video myself, and i know that in the past we've had incidents like this and the chief is very open to showing that video to -- not just to elected officials but also to community leaders. we have done that in the past. we plan to do that this time. i think it's very important that people do see the evidence and that we're going to work with this active investigation to make sure people get the accurate information about what
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really happened. it's a tragic time for our city. i am asking for calm. i am asking for the community to have peaceful protests and to let our officers and our community do its work of finding out the real truth and making sure we do have evidence that explains that and shows that. >> i think everybody would agree that, if the evidence and the video shows that the officer's version of events is the correct one, that that is a very important thing to come to the public. have you spoken with anybody who has seen the video? >> i have spoken to the chief. and again, there are different perspectives and different videos. there are a couple of different body cameras. there were some dash cameras. there may be some community videos. and so we want to make sure, when you see all the perspectives, that we have a complete picture of what happened. and again, we have a tradition of being transparent. we have a tradition of being thorough in our investigations.
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we absolutely tend to work with the community. i have talked to many leaders in our community who are understandably upset, and we are hoping that they will work with us as we bring all these facts to light. >> madam mayor, the police chief, i believe he couldn't say for sure if scott pointed his gun towards police. does that matter legally, or is the presence of a gun enough? >> well, what i have heard our chief talk about is the officer has to perceive a real imminent threat. and there are protocols they go through. there is extensive training that they go through. and this is not anything to be taken lightly. we are working very hard on our community policing relationships where our officers are in our communities, playing basketball with our kids, where they know our communities, where the communities know them. we have worked many years to
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build that relationship here in charlotte. >> how quickly would you like to see the video released to the public, shown to the family and community leaders? >> obviously as quickly as possible. i look forward to seeing that very soon. we've had a lot of communication going on today. we've had our local, our county, our state and federal government engaged. we want to make sure we're getting good information to people. and we do want people to not jump to conclusions based on partial information or incorrect information. we had some incorrect information out earlier about the race of the officer. again, this information about a book. i mean, there are so many stories. we want to have clear, irrefutable evidence. we're working very hard to make that accessible. >> all right, mayor. jennifer roberts, thank you so much. good luck tonight. police in tulsa now say the unarmed man killed by a female officer last friday had pcp in
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his suv but no evidence as of now that there were drugs in his system. helicopter and dash-cam cameras show terence crutcher with his hands up seconds before he was shot. an attorney for the officer says she had an exchange with crutcher before the shooting and could tell crutcher was under the influence of something. but crutcher's family is not convinced. cnn's ana cabrera spoke with the officer's attorney. she joins me now live in tulsa. where does the police investigation stand today? >> reporter: well, we're hearing, jake, that the police investigation, at least the local investigation, could be wrapped up and turned over to the district attorney's office as soon as friday even before the toxicology and autopsy results are released. now, the police chief here in tulsa has vowed to have a transparent and very thorough investigation, knowing the eyes of the world are watching. terence crutcher has his hands up, walking back to his suv.
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>> he's got his hands up there for her now. >> reporter: moments later he is on the ground. >> i think he may have just been tasered. >> shots fired! >> reporter: crutcher was unarmed. protesters are calling for the arrest of officer betty shelby, who fired the fatal shot, while another officer fired his taser. she chose to use lethal force instead of the taser. >> the appropriate response for her when she believed he could be armed was to get her gun out and hold him at gunpoint. >> reporter: they say he wasn't responding to police commands and started reaching for something in his car when they opened fire. though there are questions about whether the window was open or closed. crutcher's family filled with grief. >> i have a final text message, the very last one where he told me that he loved me. >> reporter: on the fatal night,
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crutcher, a twin brother and father of four, was already outside his suv in the middle of the road when officer shelby says she encountered him en route to another call. >> she could tell that he was under the influence of something. people who are under the influence have unpredictable behavior. >> nothing in that video justifies them using excessive lethal force on him. and if we're going to start declaring a death sentence to anybody that has drugs in their system, where they're going to go to a lot of communities, not just our community. >> reporter: tulsa police investigators say they found the drug pcp in crutcher's car. results of a toxicology report will be part of the puzzle in a case that's sparked a national conversation with politicians to sports stars talking about issues of race and police accountability. >> if any good can come out of this, we're hoping america will open their eyes and let's put some systems in place to prevent this from happening again.
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>> reporter: it is that hunger for change that continues to motivate a group of demonstrators here in tulsa. they call themselves "we the people." they are peaceful and passionate. they believe they did make a difference in another controversial police shooting. it was the case of roberts bates, the reserve deputy who was convicted earlier this year in the shooting death of eric harris. we're told justice in that case gives some of the folks in this community hope, jake. >> thank you so much. donald trump weighing in on both deadly shootings. in one of the cases he is taking a side that might be unusual. that's next. when a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat
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welcome back to "the lead." i am jake tapper. turning to our politics lead. former boxing promoter don king introduced donald trump at a black church today. the language mr. king used may not be what you would expect to hear at a political outreach event. >> if you're rich you are a rich
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negro. if you are intelligent, intellectual you're an intellectual kneeinegro. if you're a dancing and sliding and gliding [ bleep ] -- i mean negro -- >> speaking at that same event donald trump offered his thoughts on the two officer-involved shootings of black men that are dominating talk on the campaign trail and in the news today. cnn senior washington correspondent is live in orlando, florida. jeff. mr. trump was pressed on his thoughts for the shootings. his response may be a surprise to some. >> donald trump said he was very troubled by the shooting of the unarmed black man in oklahoma last week. he has touted his support from police before, but he said in this case police simply must do better. here in florida hillary clinton said, communities must respect police, but police must respect their communities. two more police shootings reverb
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rati rating on the campaign trail. donald trump bluntly suggesting the oklahoma officer choked when shooting an unarmed black man. >> this young officer, i don't know what she was thinking. i don't know what she was thinking. but i am very, very troubled by that. did she get scared? was she choking? what happened? but maybe people like that -- people that choke, people that do that, maybe they can't be doing what they're doing. >> reporter: at a church in cleveland trump going where he's rarely gone before, criticizing the police, whose support he often touts. >> that man went to the car, hands up, put his hand on the car -- i mean, to me it looked like he did everything you're supposed to do. and he looked like a really good man. >> reporter: hillary clinton calling for new national standards for police using force. in florida, acknowledging the challenges facing police, even while lending her voice to protests into tulsa and
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charlotte. >> there is still much we don't know about what happened in both incidents, but we do know that we have two more names to add to a list of african-americans killed by police officers. >> reporter: crime, punishment and politics suddenly front and center in the presidential contest, sparking a conversation about race. >> we are safer when communities respect the police and police respect communities. >> reporter: trump said the shootings are tragic but one more sign the streets of america's cities are in decline. >> in some cases they're less safe than places like afghanistan. we hear about afghanistan. some of the inner cities are less safe. >> reporter: surrounding himself by boxing promoter don king, trump again trying to extend his hand to black voters but drawing criticism for saying african-american communities are more troubled than ever before. >> our african-american communities are absolutely in the worst shape that they've ever been in before, ever, ever,
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ever. >> reporter: congressman john lewis, a veteran of the civil rights movement angrily denouncing trump in an interview with cnn. >> he is saying it's worst than the signs i saw growing up that said white men, colored men. white women, colored women. he is saying the conditions are worse than when we were beaten at lunch counters when trying to get served? >> reporter: images of violence and protest in the presidential race once again, just five days before the first debate. jake, i can tell you, hillary clinton is spending the rest of these five days preparing for that. this event in florida that just ended a few moments ago is her last campaign event until she steps onto that stage monday night. jake. >> jeff zeleny. michael nutter is a supporter of hillary clinton but is here to talk to me about race
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relations. mayor, you've been the mayor when there was a questionable shooting of an african-american man. tell me what the process is like in terms of both the police and the community. >> well, first, i think the first order of business is always to express deepest regret and sympathy to the family. without making any judgment about what happened, how it happened. any of that. you have to acknowledge the fact that a family lost their loved one. the second is, gather every piece of evidence, information, data that you can. don't make any pre-judged statements. don't make any assumptions. and if you don't know the answer to a question, say you don't know the answer to the question, because it will all eventually come out. i think it's most important that you can communicate what you can communicate out to the public. you want to be open and transparent, and you have to be held to a standard of accountability. police use of force is one of the highest responsibilities that we give our police officers. and by the way, there are 18,000
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police departments all across the united states of america. there is no one universal standard on use of force. there are some guidelines in all of those departments. or you can look to the international association of chiefs of police. they have kind of a basic guideline. but it's really about how much force do you need to exert to get someone to do what you asked them to do or comply or to not be a threat. >> we've seen the violence in charlotte. and the shoot -- the shooting officer there is african-american. >> yeah. >> the victim is african-american. >> yeah. >> does that matter? >> you know, i think on tv and for all the commentary, you know, there is usually less of a discussion about inter-racial strife, but at the end of the day it's about police and community relations, regardless of the race of the citizen and regardless of the race of the officer. if people don't trust the police and if the police are scared or not trusting of the citizens, you have a much bigger problem. certainly it gets more attention
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if it is a white officer and an african-american, mostly men, unarmed. you get all of that activity going on. but the real issue is how are we policing our streets and how do people feel about police in their communities. and are we doing enough in training, in equipment, in getting bias out of our respective minds and hearts. that's the real question. and we need to have some tough conversations about that. >> last question. we have heard from the community in charlotte. we have heard from the community in utulsa. what do you hear when you talk to police officers? how are they feeling? >> they're feeling in many instances literally and figuratively under attack. when we saw the tragedy in dallas. other incidents across the country. i, during my time as mayor, lost eight police officers killed in the line of duty. five by gunfire. so i was at those hospital emergency rooms. i saw those families literally
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fall apart when they realized their loved one was not going to pull through. i went to those funerals. at the same time, i have had to talk to parents about their children, either killed by another citizen or in some instances where there was an officer-involved shooting. so i have seen both sides of this. and quite honestly, the officers in many instances are not feeling support or an understanding from community members. and at the same time the community members, in some instances, are afraid of the police, which is the worst of circumstances. we have to bring police and community, community and police back together. that's officers on the beat, getting to know the citizens that they serve. and just because someone may live in a crime-filled neighborhood does not mean that that person is a criminal. and just because an officer may have done something, whether in philadelphia or somewhere else, doesn't mean that every officer has evil or ill will in their heart. these are critical, last-minute,
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last-second decisions that have to be made. we'll get all the facts in both of these cases. but at the end of the day two african-american men are dead at the hands of police, and we need to change that conversation, ask the tough questions and get some answers. >> thanks for being here, mr. mayor. appreciate it. thank you so much. the trump campaign pushing back today on claims that he used his charity foundation as something of his own personal piggy bank, including buying a six-foot painting of himself. and then the fbi now looking to question these two men. investigators say they are the ones who found one of the bombs in new york city, and the police need to find out what else they might know.
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welcome back to "the lead," i'm jake tapper. breaking news coming into cnn at this minute. u.s. officials are telling cnn that the pentagon suspects isis launched a chemical weapons attack against u.s. and iraqi troops. barbara starr is at the pentagon to tell us more. where did this happen? what chemical agent was used and how are the troops doing? >> reporter: cnn is the first to report this development. the most important thing, no u.s. troops hurt. some did go through decontamination as a precaution. it happened an tuesday, but now, as we speak, this chemical shell is being tested by the u.s. military to see exactly what was in it. it landed on an air base in iraq where u.s. and iraqi troops are getting ready to fight to try to take mosul back from isis.
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the shell landed. u.s. troops went out to look at the shell. they saw something suspicious. they tested it and the test came back for mustard agent. they're testing it further. isis is up in that area and they're desperate to hold on to mosul. they wanted to prove to the world that they have, in their view, a caliphate, an islamic state. isis has used this type of agent before against civilians. a lot of concern about what is happening here. u.s. troops do have and have had protective gear against this type of attack. and again, the most important thing, jake, no u.s. troops exhibiting signs of exposure to the agent. even as the u.s. tries to figure out exactly what did transpire here. jake. >> all right, barbara starr, thank you so much. more on our politics lead now. republicans pouncing on a report in the "wall street journal." in 2014 bill clinton was paid $260,000 to give a speech to perfume industry insiders, just
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months before the clinton foundation paired with a fragrance company on a charitable effort that would benefit that industry. the report just the latest to raise questions about people trying to buy influence with the clintons by donating to their foundations. the former president this week told national public radio that some people might have donated to the foundation to gain influence with him and his wife but that does not mean any donors received anything improperly. mean while donald trump's campaign responding to a report that suggests the trump foundcati foundation may have used foundation funds to settle lawsuits. cnn politics reporter sara murray is live in toledo, ohio, where trump spoke today. david fahrenthold says this seems to him like possible self-dealing, which would not be legal. >> reporter: that's right, jake.
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it's not just that it seems to david, the reporter, that way. he spoke with a number of tax experts who say the way donald trump spent his foundation's money looks a little fishy. the campaign is not eager to answer specific questions about this, and donald trump made no mention of it as he campaigned today in ohio. after skewering the clinton foundation on the trail, donald trump is getting a taste of his own medicine. the trump foundation, now under fire. that's after a "washington post" investigation found the gop nominee may have used his charity for some not so charitable purposes, like benefiting his business interests, a potential tax law violation. >> well, the tax law says that, if you run a charity as donald trump does, you can't take the money ourt of your charity and use it to buy things for yourself or help your own
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business. it's called self-dealing and it's against the law. >> reporter: among the suggestions the post unearthed. $5,000 to pay for advertisements for trump hotels. $158,000 for a plaintiff's chosen charity to settle a lawsuit. $100,000 to a veterans group to settle a legal dispute over the height of a flagpole at mar-a-lago. tens of thousands of dollars to buy portraits of himself. one of which was apparently spotted by a univision anchor hanging at trump's miami golf resort. trump's allies swiftly came to his defense. >> i think this is a classic donald trump. he wanted to raise the american flag as high as he possibly could over mar-a-lago. i think a lot of americans at this point would applaud that. the town or county said he couldn't do it. it had to be smaller. >> reporter: the campaign issued a statement attacking the "washington post" reporter saying "the post" reporting is peppered with inaccuracies and omissions from a biased reporter. the campaign didn't offer specifics on the inaccuracies or
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provide evidence to the contrary. the clinton campaign quickly seized on the report, releasing a statement saying, once again trump has proven himself a fraud who believes the rules don't apply to him and calling on trump to release his tax returns. as for the billionaire businessman, he still insists he has given millions to charity. >> i have given a lot of money and raised a lot of money for the vets. >> reporter: even though there is little evidence to back it up. as recently as tuesday trump hit the trail gloating about how he convinced others to foot the bill in the business world. something he hopes to carry out for the white house. >> we'll lead the project like it's called opm. i do it all the time in business. it's called other people's money. nothing like doing things with other people's money, because it takes the risk -- >> reporter: so far the campaign has declined to say what exactly withes wro
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was wrong in the "washington post" report. if donald trump did release his tax returns we'd have a better idea. who are these men who picked up one of the bombs planted in new york city? the fbi wants to know and is asking for your help. that story is next. at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital... ...when their windshield got cracked... ...but they couldn't miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement... ...before the girls even took the stage. safelite-dot-com is the fast, easy way to schedule service anywhere in america! so you don't have to miss a thing. y'all did wonderful! that's another safelite advantage.
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go to and feel the love. welcome back to "the lead." in the national lead today, let me ask you a question. have you seen these two men? the fbi cautions these two are not suspected of being involved in the bombings, but they're asking the public to help to identify them because they are potential witnesses. surveillance video spotted them unzipping a duffel bag that held a bomb left behind by that
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alleged terrorist. the two men just left the pressure cooker device on the ground in the open and carted away the suitcase. cnn's pamela brown is here with me in washington with the latest. pamela, what information has the fbi think these two men may be able to provide? >> the fbi believes they could provide critical information. they want to know why they were in the area before the blast and why they opened up the luggage and removed the device. the fbi also wants to recover the bag the men took off with because it's a key piece of evidence. the fbi says the two men they're looking for are seen in surveillance video removing one of the bombs from luggage on west 27th street in chelsea a short time before a bomb went off a few blocks away. >> they saw the bag on the sidewalk. they admired the bag, opened the bag, removed what turned out to be a device, a pressure cooker, placed it on the sidewalk, and they rolled the bag or carried the bag away on the street. >> also today, the first glimpse
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of the bloody journal ahmad rahami was carried when he was captured. it was revealed during a hearing on capitol hill. >> this is a copy of mr. rahami's journal that was found on his person when he was taken into custody. i know you're familiar with it. he talks about the sounds of bombs will be heard in the streets, streets praise praised osama bin laden his brother. >> it says in shalla the sounds of bombs will be heard in the streets. gun shots in the streets. death to your oppression. it makes reference to terrorist leaders from a variety of terror groups. including former isis spokesman al add nnani. killed in a strike recently. this video of the alleged bomber's back yard in elizabeth,
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new jersey, shows what appears to be scorch marks in the ground and investigators say a video from his cellphone's relative shows off setting off an exclusive device in the back yard. you can hear laughing in the background and two days later bombs went off in new jersey and new york. surveillance video shows what investigators believe is rahami driving out of the lincoln tunnel into manhattan at 6:30 p.m. saturday. he's then captured on surveillance footage at the site of the blast an 23rd street at 7:23 p.m. at 8:30 a bomb explodes, injuring 31 people. it tossed a 100-pound dumpster more than 120 feet and shattered windows and buildings 400 feet from the blast site and three stories high. two minutes after the explosion, rahami is seen walking just a few blocks away on 27th street near where an unexploded pressure cooker bomb is later
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discovered. 12 of his fingerprints were allegedly found on the device. at approximately 11:30 p.m., rahami is seen leaving manhattan through the lincoln tunnel. and the fbi says rahami is unconscious and intubated at university hospital in newark and is not being moved anytime soon. they're guarding him around the clock at the hospital and hope to speak to him as soon as possible. jake. >> pamela brown, thank you so much. a warning about tap water across the country. millions of americans could be drinking water that contains a cancer-causing chemical. plus, it could be the deciding factor on election day. a look at the battleground state that hasn't gone republican since 1988. that story next. her dog. oh! hey...wait a minute. you don't always use your smartphone to friend someone. hi. i think i found your dog... but when it matters most, you count on tracfone to keep you connected, for less.
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welcome back to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. let's stick with the politics lead now. fewer than 50 days until election day. all eyes are on key battleground states including pennsylvania. a commonwealth for both candidates have often campaigned. a university poll this week finds clinton ahead of her rival there by eight points in a
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four-way matchup. a quinnipiac poll from earlier in the month shows a tighter race with trump trailing by five points. cnn's miguel marques is looking at the state which could tip the scales come november. >> reporter: i am expecting a huge turnout in november and we're going to have donald trump and we're going to make america great again. thank you. >> reporter: pennsylvania republicans counting on enthusiasm. >> you want to knock on that door? i'll knock on 722. >> reporter: and an uphill battle to turn this blue-collar state red in november. >> it wasn't won by republicans for the last few presidential elections. we think trump is going to win this state. >> are you going to vote for trump? >> probably. it's the only choice. >> reporter: last time pennsylvania went republican, 1988. the latest poll shows clinton ahead in the state, but with exceptionally tight races in ohio and florida, republicans here sense momentum. >> if donald trump wins
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pennsylvania, he wins the presidency. here is why. pennsylvania is more democratic than both florida and ohio. >> thank you. >> reporter: if he wins here, he wins there. trump running strong in rural pennsylvania, but needs support in philadelphia and its suburbs where a third of the state's voters live. >> you cannot lose the philadelphia suburbs. not only are we talking about a large number of votes, but we're talking about the largest pool of swing voters. >> child care is such a big problem. >> reporter: trump announced his child care initiative, appealing to swing voters, women and moderates in those philly suburbs. >> we're going to solve that problem. >> reporter: he and his running mate, mike pence, have been to the state nine times. democrats too have descended on the keystone state, fighting to keep its 20 electoral votes in their column. >> let's go out. let's make our case.
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>> reporter: clinton and tim kaine have been here 11 times, and that's not including the democratic convention held her in july. in her most powerful surrogate, president obama, made his first solo campaign event on behalf of clinton right here in philly. >> i need you to work as hard for hillary as you did for me. >> thank you all so much for coming to help out. >> reporter: voter registration in july and august ahead of 2008, a banner year. >> yeah. yeah. >> absolutely. >> reporter: so far this year democrats have registered 418,000 new voters to republicans' 321,000. for both candidates, turnout, critical. >> if i am in the white house, young people will always have a seat at any table where any decision is being made. >> reporter: clinton seeking support from younger voters, many still burned out from a primary in which their guy didn't win. jordan tannenbaum was a bernie sanders delegate. like many she says fear of a
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trump presidency is a bigger motivation than love for clinton. >> it's not an election that's okay to sit out. you can't protest -- protest votes aren't going too much much this election. it's too risky. >> it's our job to talk to them about why they feel that way and hopefully change that into positive energy. >> how do we make the economy work for everyone? >> reporter: the ad wars have finally come to pennsylvania. clinton has spent nearly $12 million in the state. her latest ad focused on jobs and the economy. >> donald trump's america is secure. >> reporter: donald trump, after spending zero through august on tv advertising, has spent nearly $3 million on ads focusing on immigration and security. voter registration here ends october 11th, with no early voting in pennsylvania, it will be a race to election day. miguel marquez, cnn,
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philadelphia. >> be sure to tune in next week to a special cnn town hall event with president obama at the fort lee army post in battleground virginia. the president will answer crucial questions posed by active service men and women, veterans, their families and myself. that's at 9:00 p.m. eastern wednesday the 28th. coming up, a known cancer-causing chemical found in drinking water. not just in one town or one city, but in millions of kitchens and bathrooms. the new alarming report and what the epa is saying, next.
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i am jake tapper. our buried lead now. these people don't dream about being rich. they dream about being able to watch their kids swim in a pool without worrying that they'll have to have a hysterectomy at the age of 20. >> do you remember what erin brockovich was warning people about in real life and in the film? it was a cancer causing chemical called chromium 6. a disturbing new report from the environmental working group that finds that hundreds of millions of americans may be drinking tap water with what some scientists believe are dangerous levels of chromium 6, which as i said is known to cause cancer. this chemical is used in stainless steel production,
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leather tanning and textile manufacturing. now, experts disagree on the safely level of it in the drinking water. the environment protection agency has never let a specific level for chromium 6 in drinking water but said ensuring safe drinking water is a top priority. the agency has taken many actions to improve information on chromium and its potential health risks in drinking water. to the money lead. fireworks flew on capitol hill as heather bresch, ceo of mylan pharmaceuticals was hammered by lawmakers over the 500% plus increase in the cost of epipens. millions, including many young children, rely on the life-saving device to reverse deadly allergic reactions by injecting the drug epinephrine into the body. an average price of two epipens two years ago was $100 compared
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to $600 in some areas today. >> people incorrectly assume we make $600 off each pen. it's simply not true. after subtracting epipen related costs our profit is $100 or approximately $50 per pen. >> the company has introduced a generic into the marketplace and offered coupons to consumers. mylan is still under investigation. that's it for the "the lead." i'm turning you over to wolf blitzer in "the situation room." thanks for watching. happening now. breaking news. seeking information. the fbi is looking for two men, potential witnesses to the new york bomb attacks. surveillance video shows them removing an unexploded device from a piece of luggage. and now images from the suspect's yard indicate he may have been testing explosives days before the attacks. did he plan and execute them alone? praising isis. a first look at the bombing suspect's blood-soaked journal. it reveals his fascination with terrorists and praise for isis and